Our Process

Our Process

Working Together to Achieve Your Goals

At First Source Financial, we work with our clients to help them take control of their financial future through education and the creation of a comprehensive financial strategy that is designed to help them with everything they need to plan for the future.

  • Tax-Free Income Planning with no risk of Market Loss

  • Planning for Guaranteed Lifetime Income

  • Long Term Care Planning

  • Life Insurance Planning

  • Disability Income Insurance Planning

  • Life & Annuity Policy Reviews

  • Planning to Create Your Own Bank

We see it as our responsibility to assist clients in making the strongest financial decisions in as risk-free a way as possible. We create solutions designed to achieve financial security, to avoid or minimize taxes, to guarantee retirement income, and to take the key retirement risks off the table.

We've Got You Covered

Let us share with you strategies that have put others on a path to maximize wealth, minimize risk, and protect what they have worked so hard to achieve.

We've Got You Covered

Let us share with you strategies that have put others on a path to maximize wealth, minimize risk, and protect what they have worked so hard to achieve.

We've Got You Covered

Let us share with you strategies that have put others on a path to maximize wealth, minimize risk, and protect what they have worked so hard to achieve.

We've Got You Covered

Let us share with you strategies that have put others on a path to maximize wealth, minimize risk, and protect what they have worked so hard to achieve.

First Source Financial's Three Step Process


In our first meeting, we'll get to know each other. We will talk about what your financial objectives are, and what it is that you'd like to accomplish with your financial plan. We will also share a little bit about our financial planning strategies and what we can do to help you achieve your goals.

Building Your Plan

In our next meeting, we will begin building your plan. We will cover Life Insurance, Long-Term Care and Social Security as well as your lifestyle and other factors that can affect your retirement income. We will also discuss how to protect your financial future from unexpected expenses and life events.

Proactive Management

As life changes, so should your plans. We will meet with you on a regular basis to re-evaluate your financial plan and make adjustments as necessary. We will work hard to ensure that you are always on target to achieve all your financial goals and objectives. We're always here for you!